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Letters From Parents

Dear CILO,
We often say in our household that we have a black belt in Autism Spectrum Disorder, for the years we have been devoted to understand and help our children navigate the real world that does not conform to their unique abilities and talents. The journey has been one we will never forget, and every once in while we encounter life lessons that remind us how important is to find support in the community for our children.
Our son, Tony, participated this year for the first time on the summer CILO programs to be precise 6 of them, each one of them 2 weeks. We know you know what they are all about and how much they last nevertheless we mentioned because it was an undertaking, we were not sure Tony will embrace.
Tony’s gift is numbers, he is mathematically gifted and everything that might have a computation in it, like point systems, money, games, etc he adores. Naturally money and making money has become a part of his mental map, and as he grows, he understands more and more the value of money not just as a number and a currency but the amazing feeling that comes from earning it.
When we asked Tony to evaluate if he would like to attend the CILO summer camps we knew that it was going to be difficult. But then the most amazing happened, Tony read the description of the camp and when he found out he could get paid to attend and be an active participant, he was sold!
Tony woke up every day of camp ready, and every afternoon at pickup time he will calculate the amount of money that he made and how much money was left to get to the goal: $2500 dollars.
We were so happy, and the motivation alone was something we love seeing on him. He made friends, he build a resume and learned REAL skills for the REAL world, the one that soon he will have to join on way or the other.
Everyone there was always great and with a smile, it was truly deep to see teens being given help and to be respected in their own abilities and circumstances. Something we will be forever grateful.
Evidently when Tony finished the CILO camps he was already making numbers and eagerly awaiting his check! The day he got it, was quite a day! Tony smiled from ear to ear, he was elated. Experiences like this shape the future of our children and teach lessons for life.
Thank you so very much for the opportunity and the graciousness shown by all the staff, programs like this are the hope we need to send our children into the real world more equipped and looking forward to be active part of their community.
With tears in my eyes,
Much love,
 Angela, Mother

Dear CILO,
My son Joe opened his first bank account with his stipend from CILO. Joe absolutely loved doing the virtual camp over the summer in 2022 and learned so many valuable skills that I know will help him succeed far into the future.
Each teacher and mentor was amazing and brought unique skill sets and personalities to create a fun learning atmosphere. 
Words alone cannot express how grateful we are to have found this program and how needed these skills are for our teens. I know with Joe having CILO and his determination that he can achieve any dream he has. 
Again thank you for allowing us this opportunity. 
Respectfully, "
 Megan, Parent


"I have to say, my son has shown incredible maturity and flexibility while attending CILO camp. It was his first time attending a job camp in person and he was excited with each weeks new theme. Many thanks for the entire CILO staff. You all were so responsive to every question, large or small and I always felt you were working for the betterment of my son. There is no doubt he will be returning in person next summer. Thank you for offering this amazing program!" - Lisa, Parent

"It was really pleasant. The movies were excellent, and the best part was talking about the film industry. The careers in this industry really opened my mind, especially Hans Zimmer interview and timeline of his career. The teachers were really helpful and excellent. I’d consider going again next summer!" - Mikey, Student

"I want to thank your agency for helping my 2 kids maintain a sense of direction this summer. Usually, I have a hard time keeping them focused during the summer months and struggle to find something to occupy their time. This summer was different though. They awoke every day during the week knowing they had sessions to attend and knowing they were going to be compensated was more incentive for them. I really appreciate your program and how it has given my kids a sense of purpose. Please keep up the great work!" - Gina, Parent

"I am truly happy that both of my children were able to take part in the virtual camp. Everyone in CILO has always been very helpful and accommodating. We are looking forward to the next Camp. Thank You!!!" - Virginia, Parent

I wanted to share with you my testimony of my two granddaughters Izabela and Gabriella during their summer camp experience. The girls were able to make new friends and share their experiences with their new peers. They learned tools on how to search for job opportunities, how to create a resume, and training skills that will help them later on with their development. The girls were able to socialize and were happy to attend the summer camp. I was very happy to see them motivated. 


Thank you so much! - Ana, Parent


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